About the ward
The ward, located in Wing D, treats patients presenting problems from the field of internal medicine and its various aspects, while focusing on identifying, preventing and treating risk factors for sclerotic cardiovascular diseases. In recent years, the department has gained professional experience and is now one of Israel's leading departments in treating patients with obesity and diabetic patients, while managing a clinic that provides a comprehensive solution for patients with metabolic problems. To provide the patient with optimal treatment, the department uses a unique and innovative computer program that assists in the overall management of the patient's life in the department.
To maintain contact and medical follow-up with the patient, the department operates a number of clinics:
- Overweight and its complications clinic: the clinic provides a comprehensive solution to the problem of obesity, from weight loss workshops through medication counseling and to bariatric surgery.
- Clinic for risk factors for sclerotic cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.
- A follow-up clinic for the discharged patients.
Academic and research activities
The department's physicians conduct research activities at the hospital research institute, as well as joint research with the Gertner Institute. In addition, the department conducts major international research on diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.
Currently active research projects:
- Obesity indices in Israel
- Relationship between abdominal obesity and fatty liver
- The effect of calcium intake on body weight
- Metabolic syndrome - epidemiology
- Hypertension in patients with stroke
- Various issues related to obesity
Days and hours of activity
Family visits:
At 14:00-07:00
Providing information to the patient:
Sunday to Thursday 15:00 - 16:00
Friday 12:00-13:00
Doctor's ward rounds:
Morning round: 09:30-12:00
Evening round: 15:00-15:30