
trueבתי חולים > רבין > Home Page > Departments > Liver

Liver Institute - Beilinson

Dr. Marius Brown


​Ambulatory Clinics Building, Beilinson Hospital, 2nd floor

​​​​About the Institute

Physicians of the Institute have expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute and chronic liver diseases, viral diseases (Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C), fatty liver disease (MASLD), metabolic diseases (Wilson's disease), immune diseases (Autoimmune hepatitis, Primary Biliary Cholangitis, Sclerosing Cholangitis) , liver diseases caused by alcohol use and medications (Drug Indusced Liver Inhury –DILI), liver cirrhosis and its complications, and benign and malignant liver tumors  (Liver Adenoma, Hepatocellular Carcinoma).

The institute has a unique unit for liver transplantees, in the unit patients are evaluated before they undergo liver transplantation and are monitore after the  transplantation.

The Institute collaborates with advanced hepatobiliary surgery, advanced endoscopy, interventional radiology for vascular procedures including TIPSS and obliteration of varices and collaterals and locoregional therapy for tumors, medical oncology and advancer radiotherapy. 

​FIBROSCAN - Noninvasive testing to evaluate the severity of a liver disease​

In addition to standard blood workup and imaging we use Fibroscan® to assess the severity of liver disease. 

This device is use to evaluate the extent of liver fibrosis, using a method much similar to ultrasound testing, i.e, in a non-invasive and painless manner.

The most important prognostic indicator in liver disease is fibrosis, and its assessment allows for appropriate treatment decisions.

The device enables an evaluation of fibrosis and quantification of liver fat content and proved its predictive value hepatitis C, fatty liver disease (MASLD) , hepatitis B, cholestatic diseases and other liver diseases.

Patients with a chronic liver disease initially suffer from an insult that in some cases becomes a fibrosis. Without treatment the severity of the fibrosis might lead to disruption in the blood flow through the liver and decreased liver function, all of which severely affect the quality of life and might shorten the patient's life expectancy.

The most important indication of the severity of a liver disease, and the risk of its deterioration, is the degree of liver fibrosis. 

Therefore, it is very important to assess the presence of liver fibrosis in all liver patients, regardless of the cause of their disease, and to quantify its severity.

The examination can be performed in the Beilinson Liver Disease Institute on receipt of a "voucher" issued by the health fund or other payer (service code 69012) or self-financing.

The examination is included in the "basket" of services for patients with hepatitis C prior to treatment.

In your application please indicate the type of disease and liver functions.

​Academic and research activities

The Institutes's scientific research focuses on fatty liver disease (MASLD), cholestatic liver diseases, and hepatitis viruses and the search for new treatments for liver disease. We also conduct studies that investigate ways to reduce liver damage caused by liver surgery and liver transplantation. Clinical studies relating to the entire range of treatment for liver diseases, such as viral hepatitis, fatty liver and liver cancer, are all carried out in the institute.

Preparation for selected procedures

Liver biopsies - percutaneous and transjugular, Transjugular Intrahepatic Porto-systemic shunts , dilation of bile ducts stenosis (PTBD).​​

Application method:
Referral by an attending physician

Days and hours of activity

Sunday to Thursday from 08:00 to 15:30

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​Ambulatory Clinics Building, Beilinson Hospital, 2nd floor