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Religion and Kashrut in Hasharon Hospital

The management of Hasharon Hospital, the Hospital Rabbi and the Department of Religion and Kashrut of Clalit Health Services, work together to regulate and supervise the religious services provided at the hospital. Below is a list of the main religious services that operate in the hospital for the benefit of patients, their families and the general public.


  • The synagogue is located on the entrance floor next to the cafeteria. 
  • The synagogue is open during daily prayers hours (Shacharit/Mincha/Arvit). If the door of the synagogue is closed, you can contact the Office of the Assistant Security Officer, located near the main entrance.
  •  Tefillin can be borrowed in the synagogue.


The hospital kitchen is supervised by the Department of Religion and Kashrut of Clalit Health Services.
Glatt Kosher - Kosher Lemehadrin dishes, can be obtained by order by contacting a nurse or the auxiliary staff at the department.

Fridays and Saturdays

  • Candle lighting - is done in a concentrated manner only in a designated location and in a closed facility in each department. For candles, contact the nurses in the department.
  • Kiddush and Havdalah wine is provided to each department. For wine, contact the nurses in the department.
  • Food is served at the beginning and end of Sabbath, heated by a special Shabbat control approved by the Halacha institutes.
  • Mifal Chesed Organization provides free meals during Friday and Saturday to those accompanying the hospital's patients, for further details: 03-5790837 on Thursdays from 17:00 to 23:00, Fridays from 09:30 to 12:00. 
  • In the kitchenette/the departments' drinking rooms, there are Halacha Mehadrin Shabbat heaters, for use by those accompanying the patients and the general public.
  • For accommodation near the hospital contact Ezer Mizion, Tel: 03-9049990
  • Shabbat mechanism is operated in the following locations:
    - Shabbat elevators are available throughout the hospital.
    - Emergency alarm bell approved by the Halacha institutes.
    - All kitchen systems are connected to the Shabbat control.
    - Electric doors throughout the hospital are neutralized or installed with different Shabbat control mechanisms.
    - A Shabbat keyboard can be used at the ER reception, for the production of reception labels.
    - Checking at the gates is carried out using a halachic magnometer, installed with a Sabbath control mechanism.
    The Sabbath inspector operates at the hospital every Saturday.
    There are guidelines for the staff according to a Clalit Health Services' procedure, according to which a patient who for reasons of religion wishes not to sign a consent form, can do that after expressing his consent before two witnesses, while the actual signing shall be completed after Saturday ends.


  • Prayer times are published in the synagogues and bulletin boards throughout the hospital.
  • The blowing of the shofar takes place in the synagogue, and a shofar blower travels from one department to another to appear before the patients.
  • Succot - two Succot are set up in the hospital, for mobile patients and the general public. The distribution of the four species takes place in an organized manner on behalf of the hospital rabbi in the various departments. Details can be obtained from Rabbi Reuven Shapira, Tel: 054-6323175.
  • Simchas Torah - Prayers and Hakafot are held in the synagogue.
  • Hanukkah - each department has a safety menorah in addition to the main menorah situated at the center of the hospital.
  • Purim - the Megillah reading is held at the synagogue and in the departments upon request. 
  • Passover - the hospital undergoes a rigorous preparation process for passover in the central kitchen and in all the hospital departments and units. The utensils are replaced with Passover utensils. There is strict observance of the prohibition of bringing chametz through the gates of the hospital. The YEL cafeteria is closed.


• The hospital rabbi is summoned to the patient's bed, on request, for encouragement and prayer.

For further details, please contact the hospital Rabbi at: 054-6323175

Wishing you good health,

Hasharon hospital management
Hospital Rabbi 
Department of Religion and Kashrut- Clalit Health Services

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