Women’s Hospital

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Women’s Hospital and Maternity Hospital - Beilinson and Hasharon

Chairwoman: Prof. Asnat Walfisch


The Helen Schneider Hospital for Women 

Wing B, 4th Floor

Our women's hospital is a uniquely comprehensive center equipped to treat all facets of women's health. Care is focused and centralized with inpatient and outpatient clinics, and day treatments, all in one place. Under one roof, services are offered for women's health throughout their life cycle. The hospital team is made up of approximately 100 physicians and specialists who provide comprehensive medical services at the highest level. The women's hospital is affiliated with the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Medicine, with our physicians serving as an integral part of the medical-academic staff, as professors and lecturers. Our team actively engages in education and research, continuously striving to provide medicine and care of the highest standard. The remaining staff consists of approximately 350 nurses, midwives, and various medical and administrative personnel including dietitians, social workers, and research coordinators. Each member of our team is of vital importance in allowing us to achieve excellence in medical service, teaching, and research. As such, we take great pride in the active education of our future medical professionals that are made up of students, residents, and fellows. 

​The infrastructure of the women's hospital:

13 Delivery rooms, including one natural birthing room with a water birthing facility.

4 Maternity departments and a Neonatal department.

Gynecology department includes a unique endoscopic service and specialized uro-gynecological services. 

Gynecological Day Admission and Care Unit

Maternal and Fetal Medicine Unit includes an inpatient ward as well as outpatient clinics for infectious diseases, diabetes, gestational diabetes, hypertensive disorders, transplant recipients, maternal cardiac conditions, and more.

Fertility and Assisted Reproduction Technology Unit

Gynecologic Oncology Unit, including a BRCA Clinic

Gynecological Cytology and Colposcopy Unit

Ultrasound Unit, made up of specialists in various gynecological diseases as well as fetal anomalies, such as kidney abnormalities, brain abnormalities, and more.

Center of Excellence for Fetal Medicine – a specialized center for monitoring, diagnostic invasive procedures (such as amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling), and fetal surgeries. In addition, the center includes a monochorionic twin clinic.

Gynecology Clinics: 

General Gynecology Clinic

Menopause Clinic

Uterine Fibroid Clinic

Gynecological Endoscopy Clinic

BRCA Mutation Carrier Clinic

Recurrent Miscarriage Treatment Clinic

Gynecology for Teens and Adolescents Clinic

Gynecological Urology and Pelvic Floor Clinic

Endometriosis Clinic

​Within the Maternal and Fetal Medicine Unit, the following services are provided:

Diabetes in Pregnancy Clinic

High-Risk Pregnancy Clinic

Twin Clinic

Combined Clinic: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases + High-Risk Pregnancy

Combined Clinic: Cardiology + High-Risk Pregnancy

Combined Clinic: Nephrology + High-Risk Pregnancy

Preoperative Cesarean Clinic.

Endocrinology Clinic for Pregnant Women

Dietary Clinics for Pregnant Women: applies to women with gestational or pre-gestational diabetes, pregnant women in need of nutritional counseling, dietitians for women with inflammatory bowel diseases, and dietitians for women who are post-bariatric surgery.

Day care service - External Cephalic Version

Hospital Team:

Chairwoman: Prof. Asnat Walfisch

Director of Nursing: Kinneret Segal

Personal Assistant to the Hospital Chairwoman: Anat Lippner

Secretary to the Women's Hospital Administrator: Yamit Mahatzri

Administrative and Operations Manager for the Women's Hospital: Ora Amrani

​Unit and Services Managers:

Deputy Director and Head of the Gynecology OR: Dr. Gad Sabah

Director of Endoscopic Services, Head of the Gynecology Unit in the Sharon Hospital, Responsible for Gynecology Emergency Room and Day Hospitalization at Beilinson’s hospital: Dr. Chen Goldchmit

Director of the Maternal and Fetal Medicine Department: Prof. Eran Hadar

Director of the Fertility and In Vitro Fertilization Unit: Prof. Yoel Shufaro

Director of the Ultrasound Unit: Prof. Yinon Gilboa

Director of the Delivery Room and Maternity Departments: Dr. Rony Chen

Director of the Gynecologic Oncology Unit: Prof. Ram Eitan

Director of Gynecological Department and Services: Prof. Haim Krissi

Director of the Center of Excellence for Fetal Medicine:  Dr. Yuval Gielchinsky  

Director of Fertility Preservation Services and Deputy Director for Research: Prof. Avi ben Harush

Director of Medical Education: Dr. Yuval Yaniv

Director of Nursing: Kinneret Segal

Nursing Supervisors:

Delivery Room: Orna Peled

Maternity Ward A: Ruth Natan

Maternity Ward B: Mali Zaki

Maternity Ward C: Svetlana Ryaboy

Maternity Ward D: Violaine Crassac 

Pediatrics Department: Elena Dovner

Maternal and Fetal Medicine Unit: Irit Amber

Gynecology Department: Orit Barak

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Unit: Yael Aisenhamer

Gynecology Operating Rooms: Orly Rosenblat 

Gynecology Emergency Room and Day Hospitalization at Beilinson Hospital: Maya Tuttnauer Hamburger 

Day Hospitalization at the Hasharon Hospital: Rachel Teshale


Dr. Ana Idelson, Dr. Michal Eisner, Dr. Sivan Easton, Dr. Eran Altman, Dr. Jacob Amir, Dr. Efrat Zeev, Dr. Dorit Asher, Dr. Adi Borovich, Prof. Avi Ben Haroush, Dr. Liat Binyamin Strauss, Dr. Dikla Bar Avin Dayan, Prof Ron Bardin, Dr. Riki Bergel Bason, Dr. Liora Guy, Dr. Igor Gershman, Dr. Nir Duvdevani, Dr. Geries Dabit, Dr. David Danon, Dr. Lior Drukker, Dr. Alyssa Hochberg Amikam. Prof. Arnon Wiznitzer, Dr. Elina Vilkin, Dr. David Vardimon, Dr. Avital Wertheimer, Dr. Rina Zagatsky, Dr. Liat Sheelo Salzer, Dr. Itamar Zilberman, Dr. Nasreen Hag Yahia, Dr. Ohad Houri, Dr. Shiri Hazan, Dr. Ron Charach, Dr. Yoel Toledano, Dr. Kinneret Tenenbaum Gavissh, Dr. Effi Yeoshoua, Dr. Yuval Yaniv, Dr. Bina Cohen Sacher,  Dr. Guy Cohen, Dr. Omer Cohen, Dr. Ian Katz, Dr. Adi Katz, Dr. Yechezkel Lande, Dr. Israel Meizner, Dr. Galit Mimouni, Dr. Moshe Meshulam, Dr, Inbal Navon, Dr. Daniel Nassie, Dr. Ramy Rahamim Suday, Dr. Shay Sukenik, Dr. Moshe Siani, Dr. Ariella Setton Jakobson, Dr. Claris Nahari, Dr. Tal Fortgang Hershenhoren, Dr. Yoav Peled, Dr. Dov Feldberg, Dr. Roni Prag Rosenberg, Prof. Joseph Pardo, Dr. Anat Pardo, Dr. Anat From, Dr. Sima Fried, Dr. Keren Tzadikevitch Geffen, Dr. Ron Kopilov, Dr. Moria Kirshner, Dr. Oded Raban, Dr. Onn Rozen, Dr. Moshe Royburt, Dr. Elena Roslik, Dr. Igal Rikover, Dr. Elyasaf Shmuel, Dr. Anat Shmueli, Dr. Yael Schertz. 

​​Women’s Hospital - Beilinson and Hasharon
Labor and Delivery Ward - 03-9377490/1
Delivery Emergency - 03-9377590
Admission - 03-9377355
Maternity A - 03-9377526
Maternity B - 03-9377530
Maternity C - 03-9377669
Maternity D – 03-9377314
Prenatal courses and tours - 03-9376333
Gynecology Department - 03-9377550/92
Onco-Gynecology - 03-9377550/92
Maternal-Fetal Medicine - 03-9377400/8
Reproductive Medicine and In Vitro Fertilization - 03-9377600/6448
Ultrasound - 03-9377575/96
Cytogynecology and Colposcopy - 03-9377725
Emergency and Day-Care - 03-9377581/8
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Outpatient Clinic - (High Risk Pregnancy) 03-9377566

Gynecology Outpatient Clinics - 03-9377602


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Contact information

Women's Hospital Beilinson Office:                       03-9377680
Labor and Delivery Ward: 
​Delivery Emergency: 03-9377590
Maternity A:               03-9377526/7
Maternity B:               03-9377530/1
Maternity C:               03-9377670
Maternity D:               03-9377514
Women's Clinic:         03-9377602

For phone numbers of Women's Hospital Units – Press here

Beilinson:  03-9377683
Hasharon: 03-9372614


The Helen Schneider Hospital for Women 

Wing B, 4th Floor