About the Institute
The Raphael Recanati Genetic Institute is directed by Prof. Lina Basel Salmon, one of the leading experts in this field.. Prof. Basel-Salmon's research interests are focused on s new human disease-causing gene discovery and genomic variant interpretation. Prof. Basel-Salmon's scientific experience includes the discovery of many new genetic disorders and identification of genes related to these disorders. Her scientific publications include near 200 articles in peer-reviewed international journals. She served as a Head of the Israeli Society of Medical Genetics and as a board member of the European Society of Human Genetics.The Raphael Recanati Genetic Institute is the biggest genetics institute in Israel with state of the art clinics and laboratories. The multidisciplinary team of physicians, genetic counsellors and laboratory specialists takes care of children and adults at risk or affected by genetic disorders. The services include risk assessment for individuals with a family history of an inherited disorder or a family cancer syndrome, diagnostics of genetic conditions, prenatal or preimplantation testing for many genetic disorders and preventive genetic screening program for couples to test for carrier status of various genetic diseases. Pediatric Genetics clinics operates at the neighboring Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel. Genetic investigations are carried out in the molecular genetics laboratory headed by Dr. Sarit Sarit Farage-Barhom, Dr. Reut Matar heads the cytogenetics laboratory and the laboratory for preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) . Clinical bioinformatics team performing exome and genome sequencing data analysisg variant classification is headed by Dr. Lily Bazak. The Genetics school, led by Prof. Idit Maya, offers courses in genomic medicine specifically designed for physicians.