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Department of Neonatology - Beilinson

Dr. Mickey Osovsky


​Helen Schneider Hospital for Women, 3rd Floor

​About the ward

The neonatal department at the Rabin Medical Center has over 9,000 newborns a year.

Structure of the Department

The department has 4 neonatal rooms: a reception room used to receive newborns in the first hours after birth, a room for newborns who need to be monitored and supervised due to common medical problems related to the passage to life outside the womb, and two rooms where the newborns stay according to their affiliation with the ward in which the mother is hospitalized.

The mother can choose between the following methods:
Flexible domestication: The baby will stay with the mother between 5:30-14:00 and 16:00-21:00. between 14:00-16:00 and during the night the baby will stay under the supervision of the department staff in the neonatal department.
Full domestication: The baby stays with the mother in her room in the maternity ward - 24 hours a day, including during the night. This method is intended for mothers and newborns who do not require special medical supervision.
Zero separation: After birth, the newborn will remain with his family. The treatments and the initial examination will be conducted together with the parents.
The infant's stay in close proximity to the mother helps to establish an early contact between the baby and its parents, allows for flexible breastfeeding according to the baby's wishes, and allows treatment of the infant with the assistance and guidance of the staff. All these help to increase confidence in the first days after birth.
After delivery the baby arrives at the ward for follow-up, supervision and treatment.

The initial treatment of the baby includes:

• Preliminary assessment and evaluation
• Weighing
• Initial bathing
• Treatment of the umbilical cord
• Vitamin K injection to prevent bleeding
• Hepatitis B vaccination
• Examination by a neonatologist

The baby is then transferred to the room according to the department in which the mother is hospitelized (Maternity A, B, C).

Sometimes, A result of maternal illness, maternal medication, intrauterine diagnoses, birth-related conditions, or problems detected in the initial physical examination, the baby may need further supervision and/or longer treatment and he remains in the neonatal ward. Sometimes, a baby needs to be admitted to the preterm ward at the Schneider Children's Medical Center near the maternity hospital.

Parental guidance

In the "domestication" method, the mother receives personal guidance for breastfeeding/ feeding and treating the baby. In addition, group training takes place regarding the following issues: breastfeeding training, post partum, infant bathing, and twin treating.
Breastfeeding training is provided daily by a dedicated nursing staff specially trained in the promotion and advice of breastfeeding.

Newborn discharge

The neonatologist ward round takes place every morning. On the morning of the baby's discharge day, the baby is examined by the neonatologist and routine tests are performed (blood test for newborns survey, hearing screening test). Any problems detected in the newborn are immediately reported to the mother. The mother is invited to speak with the obstetrician in charge of her ward every day from 9:30 to 10:00, after the visit in the neonatal room is completed.

Teratological (Medication) Information Center

Beilinson Hospital provides consultation regarding the use of drugs during pregnancy and during breastfeeding and their effect on the fetus or new born. The consultation is provided on Sunday through Thursday from 08:00 to 14:30, at 03-9376911.

work hours:

Family visits:
During the entire day, one visitor is allowed to stay next to the mother, except for the hours of 14:00-16:00, which are the mothers' resting hours.
Visiting hours at the maternity ward are:
Sunday to Thursday from 18:00 to 20:00

Fridays and Saturdays from 13:00 to 14:00 and from 18:00 to 20:00.
There is no entrance to the ward from 10:00 to 12:00, which are the doctor's ward round.
Providing information to the patient:
Medical information is provided by a senior physician during visiting hours from 08:00-12:00.
Instructions regarding further treatment and follow-up by the department nurses upon discharge starting from 11:00.
Ward rounds:
Sunday to Thursday from 10:00 to 12:00

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Contact information

Telephone: 03-9377472/3
Fax:             03-9377681


​Helen Schneider Hospital for Women, 3rd Floor