About the service
The hospital staff makes every effort to provide you with the best medical treatment, in the most efficient manner, with a courteous, humane and supportive attitude.
However, if you encounter any problems, please contact the Department of Public Inquiries and Patient Rights at the Medical Center, the departments activities include:
- Handling applications (complaints, inquiries) and assisting patients and their families.
- Providing counseling and information to patients and their families regarding the Patient's Rights Law.
- Handling letters of thanks and praise for the dedicated work of the hospital staff.
The thank-you letter is forwarded by us to all those concerned, including the superiors.
This constitutes positive feedback and encouragement for the staff.
It is very important for us to hear and know about any problem you may encounter, so that we may help solve it learn from it and improve our service.
Wishing you good health
Contact Information
Call us:
972-3-9376363 - Ricky Gur - Head of Public Inquiries - Extension 1, Office - Extension 3
Fax: 03-9376364
E-mail: rmc@clalit.org.il
Mailing address:
Rabin Medical Center, 39 Jabotinsky St., Petach Tikva 49100
Recipient: Ricky Gur - Head of Public Inquiries
Additional essential phone numbers:
Operator (Beilinson) - 03-9377377 (operates 24 hours a day)
Information (Beilinson) - 03-9376222 (Sunday through Thursday from 08:00 to 16:00)
Days and hours of activity
Sunday to Thursday, from 08:00 to 4:00 PM
Arrival instructions to the service
At the main entrance to the Gur Shasha building, on the ground floor
Service team
Service Director:
Riki Gur - rmc@clalit.org.il
Hannah Friedlander