Patient Information

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Appointment Center

There are several ways to schedule an appointment

1. Online form - click here.
2. By phone or by fax:

Phone number: 03-9376666, Fax: 03-9372780

daily schedule:

Sunday from 8:00 to 19:00
Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 17:00

General notes:

  • Every referral should specify the name of the clinic or institute to which you were referred, and the reason for the referral.
    A suitable time and date will be found for you, and if necessary you will be required to send a referral letter by fax: 03-9372780.
  • When visiting the clinic, please bring:
    1. Commitment form (Form 17) from the insurer.   
    2. A referral letter from a doctor.   
    3. Results of tests, images or other medical information related to your visit to the clinic.

To schedule appointments to the following clinics at Beilinson Hospital, follow these guidelines:

Name of institute/examination  

To schedule the appointment

Ticks under ultrasound

Call the call center at 03-9376666.

Biopsy/Biopsy under ultrasound



Virtual Colonoscopy


Dental CT

Floroscopic video

Medical referrals should be sent to fax no. 03-9376327. Please specify a mailing address and phone number available for inquiries when necessary, on the referral.

A notice of the date of the test will be sent by mail (the appointment is not scheduled by telephone).

Call center for inquiries only - 03-9376345.
Sunday to Thursday, from 12:00 to 14:00

Invasive radiology

Tel.: 03-9376389

from Sunday to Thursday 8:00 to 15:00


Medical referrals and relevant medical material should be sent to fax No. 03-9378046

Please indicate on the referral the mailing address and phone number available for inquiries if necessary.

The secretary of the clinic will schedule the date of the appointment by telephone. Notification of the date of the examination will also be sent by mail.
Click here for more information

Phone No. for inquiries only - 03-9378008/9

Sunday-Thursday, 08:00-15:00


Medical referrals, biopsy result and further relevant material should be sent to fax No. 03-9378047 Please indicate on the reference the mailing address and phone number available for inquiries if necessary.

The secretary of the clinic will schedule the date of the appointment by telephone. Notification of the date of the examination will also be sent by mail.
Click here for more information

Phone No. for inquiries only - 03-9378000/1

Sunday-Thursday, 08:00-14:00

Appointment Scheduling Form

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