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AnesthesiaEpidural Blood Patch Informed Consent
Bariatric Weight-Losing SurgeryColon / Rectum ResectionDilatation of EsophagusERPC - Endoscopic Retrograde CholangiopancreatographyFecal Microbial TransplantationGastrointestinal EndoscopyLaparoscopic CholecystectomyRepair of Aneurysm or Stenosis/Occlusion of the Abdominal Aorta
Arthroscopy of the KneeArthroscopy of the ShoulderCorrection of Club FootCorrection of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)Correction of Spastic LimbCorrective Osteotomy of Long BonesLimb Lengthening ProcedureOrthopedic Debridement Amputation SurgeryOrthopedic Trauma Surgery (Fixation of Fractures)Repair of Recurrent Dislocation of ShoulderSurgical Correction of Leg-Calf-PerthesTotal Hip/Knee Replacement
Cochlear ImplantDML - Direct (Microscopic) Laryngoscopy With or Without Throat SurgeryESS / Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)Excision of Submandibular Salivary GlandIntroduction of Ear Ventilating Tubes (VT)MastoidectomyNeck DissectionNeck SurgeryProcedure for Closing a Hole in the Tympanic Membrane and/or for Ossicular ReconstructionProcedure for Examination of Middle Ear Cavity and ProstheticSialoendoscopySMR/Septoplasty and/or Conchotomy/Turbinate ReductionTotal Partial LaryngectomyTracheotomy
CystoscopyImplantation of Penile ProsthesisKidney Biopsy/Fine Needle AspirationNeedle Biopsy/Core Needle Biopsy of the Prostate GlandPercutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy – PEGPercutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL)Prostatectomy for Benign HyperplasiaRadical prostatectomy for Malignant TumorStress IncontinenceTrans - Urethral Resection of Bladder TumorUreteroscopyUrodynamic Evaluation
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