
trueבתי חולים > רבין > Home Page > Departments > Nephrology and Hypertension

Institute of Nephrology and Hypertension – Beilinson and Hasharon

Director: DR. Benaya Rozen-Zvi

Institute of Nephrology and Hypertension – Beilinson and Hasharon


Raphael Recanati Genetics Building, 2nd Floor (Elevator C)
Wing B, -1 Floor

​About the center

The Nephrology and Hypertension Center is among the largest and leading centers of its kind in Israel. The Center provides the following clinical services: 

  • Dialysis treatments for patients with terminal renal insufficiency (ESRF): these patients are treated with hemodialysis (artificial kidney) at the Institute itself and at a community clinic in Ramat Gan (Nephromor), or with peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), performed by the patient himself at home.
  • Urgent dialysis treatments for patients suffering from acute renal failure, i.e. patients with rapid renal function decrease due to another disease. These patients are treated with hemodialysis at the Institute or in the various departments of the Medical Center.
  • Providing counseling to various departments in the medical center.
  • Departments of the Nephrology and Hypertension Center
  • An outpatient clinic for the treatment of hypertension and renal diseases. In this clinic, patients are admitted for examination and treatment of hypertension, renal disease and kidney transplants.
  • Special clinics for the treatment and follow-up of diabetic patients with renal impairment, patients with hypertension and kidney diseases during pregnancy and patients who are awaiting dialysis.
  • Pre-dialysis clinic: its purpose is to prepare patients for dialysis treatment and for vascular analysis of the extremities in preparation for hemodialysis or surgery for the insertion of a catheter for peritoneal dialysis.
    The Nephrology and Hypertension Center is also responsible for all the nephrology services at Yoseftal Hospital, serving a population of 50,000 residents of Eilat and its surroundings. Within this framework, a dialysis unit that treats more than 20 permanent patients and dialysis patients from all over the country and the world vacationing in Eilat.

Academic and research activities  

The Institute's physicians engage in basic and clinical research. Current studies:

  1. Development of a method to measure the surface area of the peritoneal membrane used in peritoneal dialysis. This method will serve as a means of evaluating the factors that influence the effectiveness of the dialysis.
  2. Study of the protective effect of vitamin E against cardiovascular disease in dialysis patients.
  3. Clinical study of the complications associated with dialysis.
  4. Obesity is associated with cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Our laboratory is investigating the association between impaired renal function associated with overweight and high blood pressure. In each of these fields, the Institute's physicians and researchers have published articles in leading journals in the field of nephrology, immunology and clinical research.
    The Institute is affiliated with the Medical School of Tel Aviv University. The Institute's physicians teach and instruct medical students from Tel Aviv University, and have academic appointments at Tel Aviv University: a full professor, an associate professor, three senior lecturers, a lecturer and an instructor.

appointment method:
Referral by a doctor attached with Form 17 from the community clinics.

Appointment scheduling process:
Beilinson -
To schedule an appointment for the first time, call the call center at 03-9376666. To schedule a repeat visit, please contact the clinic directly at 03-9377481.
In urgent cases, you may send a fax to 03-9376481 and the appointment will be scheduled according to the degree of urgency.
Hasharon -
To schedule an appointment, call the appointment scheduling call center at 03-9376666.
In urgent cases, you may send a fax to 039372790 and the appointment will be scheduled according to the degree of urgency.
Please note on your referral a mailing address and phone number available for inquiries if necessary. Notice of the examination date will be sent by mail.

Work Scedule:
Beilinson -
Clinic - Sunday-Thursday 08:00-15:00
Dialysis - Sunday to Thursday 07:00-23:00, Friday at 07:00-21:00
Hasharon -
Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis unit - Sunday-Friday 06:00-23:00
Nephrology and Hypertension Clinic Tuesday, Wednesday, 08:00-12:00
Kidney transplantees unit - Sunday 08:00-12:00
Pre-dialysis clinic - Sunday, Wednesday 08:00-12:00
Kidney Stones Clinic - Tuesday 08:00:12:00

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Contact information

Beilinson -  03-9377411/8
Hasharon - 03-9372488

Beilinson -  03-9377168
Hasharon - 03-9372311


Raphael Recanati Genetics Building, 2nd Floor (Elevator C)
Wing B, -1 Floor