
Rheumatology - Hasharon

Director: Dr. Ana Kuperman

Rheumatology - Hasharon


​Outpatient Clinics, -1 Floor

​About the Service:

The Rheumatology Service is directed by Dr. Anna Kuperman, an expert in various rheumatological conditions, especially: rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, spondyloarthropathy.

Dr. Kuperman has graduated from Ekaterinsburg (Russia) Medical School, with fellowship in Internal Medicine (1995) at Rabin Medical Center – HaSharon Hospital,  and fellowship in Rheumatology (2002) at Ichilov Hospital. Dr Kuperman has been working in HaSharon Hospital for over 25 years.

The Rheumatology Service consists of out-patient clinic and special day hospitalization in order to treat patients with modern biological injectable treatments, which require a daily stay and close observation.

Biological treatments include: Infliximab (RemiCade), Tocilizumab (Actemra), Rituximab (Mabthera), Abatacept (Orencia), Belimumab (Benlysta).

Other treatments include: Illoprost, IVIG, variety of intraarticular injections.

Dr Kuperman participates in various clinical research studies and industry sponsored clinical studies, attends global Rheumatology conferences and leads practical studies with medical students.

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Contact information

Tel: 03 – 9372631
Fax: 03 – 9372755
Email: anak3@clalit.org.il

Opening hours

Sunday:    8:00-11:30
Tuesday:  8:00-15:00


​Outpatient Clinics, -1 Floor
