Dr. Eitan Haver, Director of Hasharon Hospital: We emphasize this subject at all sectors and management levels, in order to avoid exposing patients to infections.
According to a Ministry of Health report published on the subject of preventing infections in hospitals, it was found that among the small hospitals, Hasharon Hospital leads the field of infection prevention. Beilinson Hospital is in second place in infection prevention among the larger hospitals in Israel.
Dr. Eitan Haver, Director of Hasharon Hospital: "Infections acquired IN hospitals constitute one of the most difficult problems the health system has to face. This is a global problem causing the death of many people worldwide every year. In the Hasharon Hospital, which is part of Clalit, infection prevention is a targeted, intensive task executed around the clock every day based on an organizational culture of preventing infections in the hospital. We offer targeted training in this area to the medical staff and other staff members of the hospital, in addition to ensuring the cleanliness of the patient's environment and the medical devices close to him.
At the same time, the hospital's infection prevention unit carries out routine reviews to ensure that all the processes are performed as required."
Dr. Eran Halpern, Director of the Rabin Medical Center (Beilinson and Hasharon hospitals): "This important achievement of Hasharon and Beilinson Hospitals constitutes another aspect of the achievements for which we were recently recognized by the Ministry of Health as the leading hospitals in a patient-satisfaction survey and for which we were awarded the international standard mark - JCI. Each of our achievements requires teamwork, an organizational culture and "long distance running", to achieve the results that bring about changes and create leadership and excellence."