לב/ קרדיולוגיה

trueבתי חולים > קפלן > דף הבית > יחידות רפואיות > לב/ קרדיולוגיה > פרופ' שרה שמעוני

פרופ' שרה שמעוני

מנהלת יחידת קרדיולוגיה לא פולשנית


פרופ' שרה שמעוני


1985 Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, B Med Sc. 1990 Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, MD.

1988 Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot, Rotating internship.

1989-90 Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot, Residency Internal Medicine.

1990-91 The Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Cell Biology, Rehovot. Research Fellow.

1991-1992 Rabin Medical Center, Campus Beilinson, Residency Internal Medicine .

1993 Certified specialist in Internal Medicine, Ministry of Health, Israel.

1993-5 Kaplan Medical Center, Heart Institute, Rehovot, Fellow, Cardiology.

1995 Certified specialist in Cardiology, Ministry of Health, Israel.

1998-2000 Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. Fellow, Echocardiography.

2000- 2005 Kaplan Medical Center, Heart Institute, Senior Cardiologist and consultant Physician in charge, echocardiography service.

2005 Head of non invasive cardiology, Heart Institute, Kaplan Medical Center.

פעילות אקדמית

 Appointments in the Hebrew University

1/10/2000 Instructor, Internal Medicine (Cardiology), Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem. 

1/4/2003 Lecturer, Internal Medicine (Cardiology), Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem. 

4/2010 Senior  Lecturer ( clinical), Internal Medicine (Cardiology), Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem

9/2017 Assistant professor of medicine, Internal Medicine (Cardiology), Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem


 Additional Functions at the Hebrew University

    2006-2018  Internal medicine 4th year final exam committee.

    2004-2019 Student tutor in cardiology department

    2015-participating in the OSCE exams

פרסומים נבחרים

1. Goland, S.pi, Shimoni, S.c and Kracoff, O.c (1999). Dilated cardiomyopathy in thyrotoxicosis. Heart. 81(4):444-5. 5.595;14/123;3.
2. Shan, K.pi, Bick, R.J.c, Poindexter, B.J.t, Shimoni, S.c, Letsou, G.V.c, Reardon, M.J.c, Howell, J.F.c, Zoghbi, W.A.c and Nagueh, S.F.pi (2000). Relation of tissue Doppler derived myocardial velocities to myocardial structure and beta - adrenergic receptor density in humans. J Am Coll Cardiol. 36(3):891-6. 16.503;1/123;141.
3. Shan, K.pi, Bick, R.J.c, Poindexter, B.J.t, Nagueh, S.F.c, Shimoni, S.c, Verani, M.S.c, Keng, F.t, Reardon, M.J.c, Letsou, G.V.c, Howell, J.F.c, Zoghbi, W.A.pi (2000). Altered adrenergic receptor density in myocardial hibernation in humans: A possible mechanism of depressed myocardial function. Circulation. 102(21):2599-606. 15.073;1/60;46;43.
4. Yong, Y.pi, Nagueh, S.F.c, Shimoni, S.c, Shan, K.c, He, Z.X.c, Reardon, M.J.c, Letsou, G.V.c, Howell, J.F.c, Verani, M.S.c, Quinones, M.A.c and Zoghbi, W.A.pi (2001). Deceleration time in ischemic cardiomyopathy: relation to echocardiographic and scintigraphic indices of myocardial viability and functional recovery after revascularization. Circulation. 103(9):1232-7. 15.073;1/60;30.
5. Shimoni, S.pi, Zoghbi, W.A.c, Xie, F.c, Kricsfeld, D.s, Iskander, S.c, Gobar, L.c, Mikati, I.A.c, Abukhalil, J.t, Verani, M.S.c, O’Leary, E.L.c and Porter, T.R.pi (2001). Real time assessment of myocardial perfusion and wall motion during bicycle and treadmill exercise echocardiography: comparison with single photon emission computed tomography. J Am Coll Cardiol. 37(3): 741-7. 16.503;1/123;91.
6. Yong Ypi, Wu Dpi, Fernandez Vc, Kopelen HAt, Shimoni Sc, Nagueh SFc, Callahan JDc, Bruns DEc, Show LJc, Quinones MAc, Zoghbi WApi (2002). Diagnostic accuracy and cost-effectiveness of contrast echocardiography on evaluation of cardiac function in technically very difficult patients in the intensive care unit. Am J Cardiol. 89(6):711-8. 3.276;41/123;57.
7. Frangogiannis, N.G. pi, Shimoni, S. c, Chang, S.M. c, Ren, G. c, Dewald, O. c, Gersch, C. c, Shan, K. c, Aggeli, C. c, Reardon, M. c, Letsou, G.V. c, Espada, R. c, Ramchandani, M. c, Entman, M.L. c, Zoghbi, W.A.c (2002). Active interstitial remodeling: an important process in the hibernating human myocardium. J Am Coll Cardiol. 39(9):1468-74. 16.503;1/123;60.
8. Frangogiannis, N.G.pi, Shimoni, S.c, Chang, S.M.c, Ren, G.t, Shan, K.c, Aggeli, C.c, Reardon, M.J.c, Letsou, G.V.c, Espada, R.c, Ramchandani, M.c, Entman, M.L.c, Zoghbi, W.A.c (2002). Evidence for an active inflammatory process in the hibernating human myocardium. Am J Pathol. 160(4):1425-33. 4.591;10/76;51.
9. Shimoni, S.pi, Frangogiannis, N.G.c, Aggeli, C.J.c, Shan, K.c, Quinones, M.A.c, Espada, R.c, Letsou, G.V.c, Lawrie, G.M.c, Winters, W.L.c, Reardon, M.J.c and Zoghbi, W.A.c (2002). Microvascular structural correlates of myocardial contrast echocardiography in patients with coronary artery disease and ventricular dysfunction: implications for the assessment of myocardial hibernation. Circulation. 106(8):950-6. 15.073;1/60;58.
10. Aggeli, C.J.pi, Shimoni, S.pi, Nagueh, S.F.c and Zoghbi, W.A.pi (2002). Quantitative parameters of myocardial perfusion with contrast echocardiography in human beings: Influence of triggering mode. J Am Soc Echocardioqr. 15(12):1432-1439. 4.056;27/123;7.
11. Shimoni, S.PI, Frangogiannis, N.G.C, Aggeli, C.J.C, Shan, K.C, Verani, M.S.C, Quinones, M.A.C, Espada, R.C., Letsou, G.V.C, Lawrie, G.M.C, Winters, W.L.C, Reardon, M.J.C and Zoghbi, W.A.PI (2003). Identification of hibernating myocardium with quantitative intravenous myocardial contrast echocardiography: comparison with dobutamine echocardiography and thallium-201 scintigraphy. Circulation. 107(4):538-44. 15.073;1/60;67.
12. Goland, S.PI, Ayzenberg, O.PI, Kuznitz, F.C, Shimoni, S.C , Caspi, A.C, Malnick, S.PI (2003). A high incidence of Vitamin B12 deficiency in Israeli patients undergoing coronary angiography .Cardiovasc. Drugs. Ther. 17(2):191. 3.189;71/255;3.
13. Goland, S.PI, Shimoni, S.PI, Livschitz, S.PI, Loutaty, G.T, Azulay, O.t, Levy, R.t, Caspi, A.p, and Arditi, A.pi (2004). Dipyridamole-induced abnormal Tl-201 lung uptake in patients with normal myocardial perfusion: a marker of increased left ventricular filling pressures. J Nucl Cardiol. 11(3):305-11. 2.942;26/125;7;6.
14. Goland, S.pi, Beilinson, N.pi, Kaftouri, A.pi, Shimoni, S.c , Caspi, A.c, Malnick, S.D.pi (2004). Hemochromatosis mutations are not linked to dilated cardiomyopathy in Israeli patients. Eur J Heart Fail. 6(5):547-50. 6.526;9/123;9.
15. Goland, S.pi, Shimoni, S.pi , Zornitzki, T.c, Knobler, H.c, Azoulai, O.t, Lutaty, G.t, Melzer, E.c, Orr, A.c, Caspi, A.c and Malnick, S.pi (2006). Cardiac abnormalities as a new manifestation of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: echocardiographic and tissue Doppler imaging assessment. J Clin Gastroenterol. 40(10):949-55. 3.498;27/76;59.
16. Swissa, M.pi, Epstein, M.pi, Paz, O.c, Shimoni, S.c and Caspi, A.pi (2008). Head-up tilt table testing in syncope: safety and efficiency of isosorbide versus isoproterenol in pediatric population. Am Heart J. 156(3):477-82. 4.463;23/123;3.
17. Liel-Cohen, N.pi, Tsadok, Y.s, Beeri, R.c, Lysyansky, P.c, Agmon, Y.c, Feinberg, M.S.c, Fehske, W.c, Gilon, D.c, Hay, I.c, Kuperstein, R.c, Leitman, M.c, Deutsch, L.c, Rosenmann, D.c, Sagie, A.c, Shimoni, S.c, Vaturi, M.c, Friedman, Z.c, Blondheim, D.S.pi (2010). A new tool for automatic assessment of segmental wall motion based on longitudinal 2D strain: a multicenter study by the Israeli Echocardiography Research Group. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 3(1):47-53. 5.555;6/125;15.
18. Blondheim, D.S. pi, Beeri, R. c, Feinberg, M.S. c, Vaturi, M. c, Shimoni, S. c, Fehske, W. c, Sagie, A. c, Rosenmann, D. c, Lysyansky, P. c, Deutsch, L. c, Leitman, M. c, Kuperstein, R. c, Hay, I. c, Gilon, D. c, Friedman, Z. c, Agmon, Y. c, Tsadok, Y. c and Liel-Cohen, N. c (2010). Reliability of visual assessment of global and segmental left ventricular function: a multicenter study by the Israeli Echocardiography Research Group. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 23(3):258-64. 4.056;27/123;22;21.
19. Bachner-Hinenzon, N.pi, Ertracht, O.C, Leitman, M.C, Vered, Z.C, Shimoni, S.C, Beeri, R.C, Binah, O.C and Adam, D.C (2010). Layer-specific strain analysis by speckle tracking echocardiography reveals differences in left ventricular function between rats and humans. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 299(3):H664-72. 3.838;16/83;16.
20. Shimoni, S.pi, Goland, S.C, Livshitz, S.C, Arditi, A.C, Ayzenber, O. C , Kusniec, F. C , Gendelman, G. C, Edri, O.C, Lutati, G.C, Levi, R.C, Caspi, A.C and Epstein, M.C (2010). Accuracy and long- term prognostic value of pacing stress echocardiography compared with Dipyridamole Tl201 emission computed tomography in patients with a permanent pacemaker and known or suspected coronary artery disease. Cardiology. 116(3):229-36. 2.177;58/123;1.
21. Shimoni, S.pi, Gendelam, G.C, Aysenberg, O.C, Smirin, N.C, Lysyansky, P.C Edri, O.C, Deutsch, L. C, Caspi ,A.C, Friedman, Z.pi. (2011). Differential effects of coronary artery Stenosis on myocardial function: The value of myocardial strain analysis for the detection of coronary artery disease. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 24(7):748-57. 4.056;27/123;17.
22. Shimoni, S. pi, Zilberman, L. C, Edri, O. C, Bar, I. C, Goland, S. C, Gendelman, G. C, Swissa, M. C, Livshitz, S. C, Paz, O. C, Ayzenberg, O C. and George, J. pi (2011). Thoracic aortic atherosclerosis in patients with aortic regurgitation. Atherosclerosis. 218(1):107-9. 3.994;11/60;4;2.
23. Blondheim, D.S. pi, Friedman, Z. C, Lysyansky, P. C, Kuperstein, R. C, Hay I. C,
Feinberg MS. C, Beeri R. C, Vaturi M. C, Sagie, A. C, Shimoni, S. C, Fehske, W. C,
Deutsch, L. C, Leitman M. C, Gilon, D. C, Agmon, Y. C, Tsadok, Y. C, Rosenmann,D C. and Liel-Cohen, N pi. (2012). Use of an automatic application for wall motion classification based on longitudinal strain: is it affected by operator expertise in echocardiography?A multicentre study by the Israeli Echocardiography Research Group. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 13(3):257-62. 4.105;26/123;3.
24. Lysiansky, M. pi, Bachner-Hinenzon, N. C, Khamis, H. C, Smirin, N. C, Lysyansky, L. C, Friedman, Z. C, Shimoni, S. C, Fehske, W C. and Adam, D pi. (2012). Measurements of transmural strain variations by two dimensional ultrasound speckle tracking. J Biomed Graph Comput. 2(1). X;X;X.
25. Shimoni, S. pi, Bar, I. C, Zilberman, L. C, Goland, S. C, Edri, O. C, Gandelman, G. C, Afek, A. C, Shamiss, A C. and George, J pi. (2013). Circulating progenitor and apoptotic progenitor cells in patients with aortic regurgitation. Circ J. 77(3):764-71. 3.94;30/123;2.
26. Schwartzenberg, S. pi, Meledin, V C., Zilberman, L. C, Goland, S. C, George, J. C and Shimoni, S.pi (2013). Low circulating monocyte count is associated with severe aortic valve stenosis. Isr. Med. Assoc. J. 15 (9): 550-4. 1.013;91/154;1.
27. Shimoni, S. pi, Bar, I. C, Zilberman, L C. and George, J. pi (2014). Autoantibodies to oxidized low-density lipoprotein in patients with aortic regurgitation: association with aortic diameter size. Cardiology. 128(1):54-61. 2.177;58/123;3.
28. Sharir, R. pi, Semo, J. C, Shimoni, S. C, Ben-Mordechai, T. C, Landa-Rouben, N. C, Maysel-Auslender, S. C, Shaish, A. C, Entin-Meer, M. C, Keren, G C. and George, J. pi (2014). Experimental Myocardial Infarction Induces Altered Regulatory T Cell Hemostasis, and Adoptive Transfer Attenuates Subsequent Remodeling. PLoS ONE. 9(12): e113653. 3.234;9/57;4.
29. George, J. C, Matucci-Cerinic, M. C, Bar, I. C and Shimoni, S. PI (2014). Circulating autoantibodies to endothelial progenitor cells: binding characteristics and association with risk factors for atherosclerosis. PLoS One. 9(6):e97836. 3.234;9/57;2.
30. Meledin, V. C, Gandelman, G. C, Derazne, E. C, Kogan, Y. C, George, J. C and Shimoni , S. PI (2015). Stroke volume adjusted to afterload for assessment of cardiac performance in patients with severe aortic stenosis and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction. Cardiology. 130(4):260-6. 2.177;58/123;0.
31. Goland, S. pi, Perelman, S. C, Asalih, N. C, Shimoni, S. C, Walfish, O. C, Hallak, M. C, Hagay, Z. C, George, J. C, Shotan, A. C and Blondheim, D.S. pi (2015). Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy: Could a Cardiac Factor Be Involved? Clin Cardiol. 38(10):598-603. 2.586;52/123;0.
32. Khamis, H. pi, Shimoni, S. C, Hagendorff, A. C, Smirin, . C, Friedman, Z. C, Adam, D. pi (2016) . Feasibility of reproducible vendor independent estimation of cardiac function based on first generation speckle tracking echocardiography. JBEI. Accepted X;X;X
33. Shimoni, S. pi, Meledin, V. C, Bar, I. C, Fabricant, J. C, Gandelman, G. C, George, J. pi (2016). Circulating CD14+ monocytes in patients with aortic stenosis. J Geriatr Cardiol . 1.395;84/123
34. Shimoni, S. pi, Bar, I. C, Meledin, V. C, Derazne, E. C, Gandelman, G. C, George, J. pi (2016). Circulating endothelial progenitor cells and clinical outcome in patients with aortic stenosis. PLoS ONE. 3.234;9/57;0
35. Khamis, H. pi, Shimoni, S. C, Hagendorff, A. C, Smirin, N. C, Friedman, Z. C, Adam, D. pi
Optimization based speckle tracking algorithm for LV strain estimation. Accepted to IEEE
UFFC. 1.512; 10/31;0
36. Shimoni, S. pi, Bar, I. C, Meledin, V. C, Gandelman, G. C, George, J. pi Circulating
regulatory T cells in patients with aortic valve stenosis: association with disease
progression and aortic valve intervention. Int J Cardiol2016 Sep 1;218:181-737)
37) Shiran, S. pi, Blondheim, D. C, Shimoni, S. C, Jabarren. M. C, Rosenmann,D. C, Sagie A. C,
Leibowitz, D. C, Leitman,M, C. Feinberg,M. C, Beeri,R. C, Adawi,S. C, Shotan,A. C,
Goland,G. C, Bloch,L. C,Kobal,SL. C, Liel-Cohen, N pi. Two-dimensional strain
echocardiography for diagnosing chest pain in the emergency room: a multi-center
prospective study by the Israeli echo research group. Accepted to Eur Heart J Cardiovasc
Imaging. 4.105;26/123;
38) Kobal, SL. pi, Liel- Cohen, N. C Shimoni, S. pi, Neuman, Y. pi, Konstantino, Y. C, Mazor
Dray, E. C, Horowitz, I. C, Siegel, RJ C. Impact of point-of-care ultrasound examination
on triage of patients with suspected cardiac disease. Accepted to Am J Cardiol.
39) Goland S pi, Weinstein JM C, Zalik A C, Kuperstein R C, Zilberman L C, Shimoni S C, Arad
MC, Ben Gal T C, George J C. Angiogenic imbalance and residual myocardial injury in
recovered peripartum cardiomyopathy patients. Circ Heart Fail. 2016 Nov;9(11).

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