1. Morzaev D, Nicholson JD, Caspi T, Weiss S, Hochhauser E, Goldenberg-Cohen N. Toll-like receptor-4 knockout mice are more resistant to optic nerve crush damage than wild-type mice.Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2015 Sep-Oct;43(7):655-65.
2. Galili E, Barzilai A, Shreberk-Hassidim R, Merdler I, Caspi T, Astman N. Neuropsychiatric comorbidity among adolescents with psoriasis. Br J Dermatol. 2018 Apr;178(4):910-916.
3. Galili E, Averbuch Zehavi E, Zadik Y, Caspi T, Meltzer L, Merdler I, Kuten J, Tal D.Long-term scopolamine treatment and dental caries. Clin Oral Investig. 2019 May;23(5):2339-2344.
4. CPT (res.) Hershkovitz-Neiterman R, MAJ Hertzberger R, LT (res.) Caspi T, LCDR Esterson A, LCDR Koifman E, CDR Netzer I. A Decade of Telemedical Assistance in the Israeli Navy. JIMM, 2020 Mar; vol. 17, no.1 (45).
5. Galili E, Barzilai A, Twig G, Caspi T, Daniely D, Shreberk-Hassidim R, Astman N. Allergic rhinitis and Asthma among adolescents with Psoriasis: A population-based cross-sectional study. Acta DermVenereol. 2020 May 11;100(10).
6. Shemer A, Lyakhovitsky A, Kaplan B, Kassem R, Daniel R, Caspi T, Galili E. Diagnostic approach to tinea capitis with kerion: A retrospective study. Pediatric Dermatology, 2022 May; vol. 39(5):708-712.
7. Berla E, Kerzhner O, Caspi T, Shaklai S, Michaeli D. Acute Presentation and Long-Term Rehabilitation Follow-Up of Ischemic Myelopathy Due to Clinically Suspected Fibrocartilaginous Embolism in an Adolescent Male: A Case Report and Review. Neurol Int. 2023 Oct 19;15(4):1273-1289.