
trueבתי חולים > שלוותה > דף הבית > אודות > פרופ' יובל בלוך

פרופ' יובל בלוך

מנהל מרפאת ילדים ונוער ומנהל יחידת המחקר


פרופ' יובל בלוך




MD בוגר בית הספר לרפואה של האוניברסיטה העברית 1989

בוגר בית הספר לפסיכותרפיה של אוניברסיטת ת"א


מומחה בפסיכיאטריה 1988
מומחה בפסיכיאטריה של הילד והמתבגר 1989

פעילות אקדמית

פרופ' חבר בבית הספר לרפואה של אוניברסיטת ת"א 2018

חברויות באיגודים וארגונים מקצועיים

יו"ר האיגוד הישראלי לפסיכיאטריה של הילד והמתבגר

פרסומים נבחרים

1.Bitan D, Grossman-Giron A, Bloch Y, Mayer Y, Shiffman N, Mendlovic S.

Fear of COVID-19 scale: Psychometric characteristics, reliability and validity

in the Israeli population. Psychiatry Res. 2020 Jul;289:113100.


2: Tzur Bitan D, Zilcha-Mano S, Asper A, Bloch Y. Clinical Demonstration of the

Potential of Parental Feedback in Reducing Deterioration During Group

Psychotherapy With Children. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2020 Sep;208(9):706-714.


3: Kritchman M, Koubi M, Mimouni Bloch A, Bloch Y. Effect of Methylphenidate on

State Anxiety in Children With ADHD-A Single Dose, Placebo Controlled, Crossover

Study. Front Behav Neurosci. 2019 May 15;13:106.


4: Shahaf G, Nitzan U, Erez G, Mendelovic S, Bloch Y. Monitoring Attention in

ADHD with an Easy-to-Use Electrophysiological Index. Front Hum Neurosci. 2018

Feb 1;12:32.


5: Maoz H, Gvirts HZ, Sheffer M, Bloch Y. Theory of Mind and Empathy in Children

With ADHD. J Atten Disord. 2019 Sep;23(11):1331-1338.


6: Tzur Bitan D, Kivity Y, Ganor O, Biran L, Grossman-Giron A, Bloch Y. The

effect of process and outcome feedback in highly distressed outpatients: A

randomized controlled trial. Psychother Res. 2020 Mar;30(3):325-336.


7: Segev A, Gabay-Weschler H, Naar Y, Maoz H, Bloch Y. Real and virtual worlds

alike: Adolescents' psychopathology is reflected in their videogame virtual

behaviors. PLoS One. 2017 Jul 14;12(7):e0181209.


8: Shahaf G, Yariv S, Bloch B, Nitzan U, Segev A, Reshef A, Bloch Y. A Pilot

Study of Possible Easy-to-Use Electrophysiological Index for Early Detection of

Antidepressive Treatment Non-Response. Front Psychiatry. 2017 Jul 18;8:128


9: Tzur Bitan D, Ganor O, Biran L, Bloch Y. Implementing routine outcome

monitoring in public mental health services in Israel: Shared and unique

challenges. J Eval Clin Pract. 2018 Apr;24(2):323-330.


10: Maoz H, Aviram S, Nitzan U, Segev A, Bloch Y. Association Between Continuous

Performance and Response Inhibition Tests in Adults With ADHD. J Atten Disord.

2018 Feb;22(3):293-299.


11: Ben-Yehuda A, Aviram S, Govezensky J, Nitzan U, Levkovitz Y, Bloch Y.

Suicidal behavior in minors-diagnostic differences between children and

adolescents. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2012 Sep;33(7):542-7.


12: Bloch Y, Arad S, Levkovitz Y. Deep TMS add-on treatment for intractable

Tourette syndrome: A feasibility study. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2016

Oct;17(7):557-61. doi: 10.3109/15622975.2014.964767. Epub 2014 Oct 24. PMID:



13: Levy T, Apter A, Djalovski A, Peskin M, Fennig S, Gat-Yablonski G, Bar-

Maisels M, Borodkin K, Bloch Y. The reliability, concurrent validity and

association with salivary oxytocin of the self-report version of the Inventory

of Callous-Unemotional Traits in adolescents with conduct disorder. Psychiatry

Res. 2017 Oct;256:124-129. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.06.028. Epub 2017 Jun

12. PMID: 28628793.


14: Segev A, Gvirts HZ, Strouse K, Mayseless N, Gelbard H, Lewis YD, Barnea Y,

Feffer K, Shamay-Tsoory SG, Bloch Y. A possible effect of methylphenidate on

state anxiety: A single dose, placebo controlled, crossover study in a control

group. Psychiatry Res. 2016 Jul 30;241:232-5. doi:

10.1016/j.psychres.2016.05.009. Epub 2016 May 11. PMID: 27183109.


15: Paz Y, Friedwald K, Levkovitz Y, Zangen A, Alyagon U, Nitzan U, Segev A,

Maoz H, Koubi M, Bloch Y. Randomised sham-controlled study of high-frequency

bilateral deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (dTMS) to treat adult attention

hyperactive disorder (ADHD): Negative results. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2018

Oct;19(7):561-566. doi: 10.1080/15622975.2017.1282170. Epub 2017 Jan 31. PMID:



16: Segev A, Rovner M, Appel DI, Abrams AW, Rotem M, Bloch Y. Possible Biases of

Researchers' Attitudes Toward Video Games: Publication Trends Analysis of the

Medical Literature (1980-2013). J Med Internet Res. 2016 Jul 18;18(7):e196. doi:

10.2196/jmir.5935. PMID: 27430187; PMCID: PMC4969552.


17: Maoz H, Tsviban L, Gvirts HZ, Shamay-Tsoory SG, Levkovitz Y, Watemberg N,

Bloch Y. Stimulants improve theory of mind in children with attention

deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Psychopharmacol. 2014 Mar;28(3):212-9. doi:

10.1177/0269881113492030. Epub 2013 Jun 12. PMID: 23761389.


18: Bloch Y, Aviram S, Neeman R, Braw Y, Nitzan U, Maoz H, Mimouni-Bloch A.

Methylphenidate mediated change in prosody is specific to the performance of a

cognitive task in female adult ADHD patients. World J Biol Psychiatry.

2015;16(8):635-9. doi: 10.3109/15622975.2015.1036115. Epub 2015 May 6. PMID:



19: Mayer G, Aviram S, Walter G, Levkovitz Y, Bloch Y. Long-term follow-up of

adolescents with resistant depression treated with repetitive transcranial

magnetic stimulation. J ECT. 2012 Jun;28(2):84-6. doi:

10.1097/YCT.0b013e318238f01a. PMID: 22531199.


20: Mayer G, Faivel N, Aviram S, Walter G, Bloch Y. Repetitive transcranial

magnetic stimulation in depressed adolescents: experience, knowledge, and

attitudes of recipients and their parents. J ECT. 2012 Jun;28(2):104-7. doi:

10.1097/YCT.0b013e318250058c. PMID: 22513510.


21: Bloch Y, Harel EV, Aviram S, Govezensky J, Ratzoni G, Levkovitz Y. Positive

effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on attention in ADHD

Subjects: a randomized controlled pilot study. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2010

Aug;11(5):755-8. doi: 10.3109/15622975.2010.484466. PMID: 20521875.


22: Bloch Y, Grisaru N, Harel EV, Beitler G, Faivel N, Ratzoni G, Stein D,

Levkovitz Y. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of

depression in adolescents: an open-label study. J ECT. 2008 Jun;24(2):156-9.

doi: 10.1097/YCT.0b013e318156aa49. PMID: 18580562.


23: Bloch Y, Levcovitch Y, Bloch AM, Mendlovic S, Ratzoni G. Electroconvulsive

therapy in adolescents: similarities to and differences from adults. J Am Acad

Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2001 Nov;40(11):1332-6. doi:

10.1097/00004583-200111000-00014. PMID: 11699808.


24: Bloch Y, Mendlovic S, Strupinsky S, Altshuler A, Fennig S, Ratzoni G.

Injections of depot antipsychotic medications in patients suffering from

schizophrenia: do they hurt? J Clin Psychiatry. 2001 Nov;62(11):855-9. doi:

10.4088/jcp.v62n1104. PMID: 11775044.


25: Bloch Y, Fixman M, Maoz H, Bloch AM, Levkovitz Y, Ratzoni G, Aviram S, Gal

G. Can computerized cognitive tests assist in the clinical diagnosis of

attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder? J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2012

Winter;24(1):111-4. doi: 10.1176/appi.neuropsych.11010014. PMID: 22450621.

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מודולציה מוחית, הפרעת קשב, תפקודים קוגניטביים ורגשיים, חקר ההתפתחות בפסיכופתולוגיה, השפעות נפשיות של משבר הקורונה.

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