1. Paz-Levy D, Schreiber L, Erez O, Goshen S, Richardson J, Drunov V, Staretz Chacham O, Shany E. Inflammatory and vascular placental lesions are associated with neonatal amplitude integrated EEG recording in early premature neonates. PLoS ONE. 2017; 12(6): e0179481.
2. Shany E, Inder TE, Goshen S, Lee I, Neil JJ, Smyser CD, Doyle LW, Anderson PJ, Shimony JS. Diffusion Tensor Tractography of the Cerebellar Peduncles in Prematurely Born 7-Year-Old Children. Cerebellum. 2017; 16(2), 314-325.
3. Meledin I, Abu Tailakh M, Gilat S, Yogev H, Golan A, Novack V, Shany E. Comparison of Amplitude Integrated EEG and Conventional EEG in a Cohort of Premature Infants. Clinical EEG & Neuroscience. 2017 Mar;48(2):146-154.
4. Shany E, Berger I, Goldberg O, Karplus M, Gilat S, Benzaquen O, Yogev H, Shalev R. Do Prenatal Corticosteroids Affect Brain Maturation of the Premature Infant? An Electroencephalography Study. Clinical EEG & Neuroscience, 2017 Mar;48(2):79-87.