- Shaki D*, Eskin-Schwartz M*, Hadar N, Bosin E, Carmon L, Refetoff S, Hershkovitz E, Birk OS, Haim A. TSHB R75G is a founder variant and prevalent cause of low or undetectable TSH in Indian Jews. Accepted for publication in Eur Thyroid J, 2022. 11(1):e210072. * equal contribution.
Pavlovsky, M., A. Peled, L. Samuelov, L. Malki, K. Malovitski, S. Assaf, J. Mohamad, O. Meijers, M. Eskin-Schwartz, O. Sarig and E. Sprecher, Molecular epidemiology of pachyonychia congenita in the Israeli population. Clin Exp Dermatol, 2021. 46(4): p. 663-668.
Mohamad, J., L. Samuelov, N. Malchin, T. Rabinowitz, S. Assaf, L. Malki, K. Malovitski, S. Israeli, M. Grafi-Cohen, O. Bitterman-Deutsch, V. Molho-Pessach, E. Cohen-Barak, G. Bach, B.Z. Garty, R. Bergman, A. Harel, A. Nanda, G.G. Lestringant, J. McGrath, S. Shalev, N. Shomron, J. Mashiah, M. Eskin-Schwartz, E. Sprecher and O. Sarig, Molecular epidemiology of non-syndromic autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis in a Middle-Eastern population. Exp Dermatol, 2021. 30(9): p. 1290-1297.
Supsrisunjai, C., C.K. Hsu, M. Michael, C. Duval, J.Y.W. Lee, H.S. Yang, H.Y. Huang, T. Chaikul, A. Onoufriadis, R.A. Steiner, R.A.S. Ariens, O. Sarig, E. Sprecher, M. Eskin-Schwartz, C. Samlaska, M.A. Simpson, E. Calonje, M. Parsons and J.A. McGrath, Coagulation Factor XIII-A Subunit Missense Mutation in the Pathobiology of Autosomal Dominant Multiple Dermatofibromas. J Invest Dermatol, 2020. 140(3): p. 624-635 e7.
David, O.*, M. Eskin-Schwartz*, G. Ling, V. Dolgin, E. Kristal, E. Benkowitz, L. Osyntsov, L. Gradstein, O.S. Birk, N. Loewenthal and B. Yerushalmi, Pituitary stalk interruption syndrome broadens the clinical spectrum of the TTC26 ciliopathy. Clin Genet, 2020. 98(3): p. 303-307. * equal contribution
Pavlovsky, M., O. Sarig, M. Eskin-Schwartz, N. Malchin, R. Bochner, J. Mohamad, A. Gat, A. Peled, A. Hafner and E. Sprecher, A phenotype combining hidradenitis suppurativa with Dowling-Degos disease caused by a founder mutation in PSENEN. Br J Dermatol, 2018. 178(2): p. 502-508.
Pavlovsky, M., O. Sarig, M. Eskin-Schwartz, A. Hafner and E. Sprecher, Novel POFUT1 mutation associated with hidradenitis suppurativa-Dowling-Degos disease firm up a role for Notch signalling in the pathogenesis of this disorder: reply from the authors. Br J Dermatol, 2018. 178(4): p. 986.
Mohamad, J., O. Sarig, L.M. Godsel, A. Peled, N. Malchin, R. Bochner, D. Vodo, T. Rabinowitz, M. Pavlovsky, S. Taiber, M. Fried, M. Eskin-Schwartz, S. Assi, N. Shomron, J. Uitto, J.L. Koetsier, R. Bergman, K.J. Green and E. Sprecher, Filaggrin 2 Deficiency Results in Abnormal Cell-Cell Adhesion in the Cornified Cell Layers and Causes Peeling Skin Syndrome Type A. J Invest Dermatol, 2018. 138(8): p. 1736-1743.
Vodo, D., O. Sarig, D. Jeddah, N. Malchin, M. Eskin-Schwarz, J. Mohamad, T. Rabinowitz, I. Goldberg, N. Shomron, Z. Khamaysi, R. Bergman and E. Sprecher, Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma: an unusual mutation causing an unusual phenotype. Br J Dermatol, 2018. 178(6): p. 1455-1457.
Eskin-Schwartz, M., M. Drozhdina, O. Sarig, A. Gat, T. Jackman, O. Isakov, N. Shomron, L. Samuelov, N. Malchin, A. Peled, D. Vodo, A. Hovnanian, T. Ruzicka, S. Koshkin, R.M. Harmon, J.L. Koetsier, K.J. Green, A.S. Paller and E. Sprecher, Epidermolytic Ichthyosis Sine Epidermolysis. Am J Dermatopathol, 2017. 39(6): p. 440-444.
Dalal, A., M. Eskin-Schwartz, D. Mimouni, S. Ray, W. Days, E. Hodak, L. Leibovici and M. Paul, Interventions for the prevention of recurrent erysipelas and cellulitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2017. 6: p. CD009758.
Peled, A., O. Sarig, L. Samuelov, M. Bertolini, L. Ziv, D. Weissglas-Volkov, M. Eskin-Schwartz, C.A. Adase, N. Malchin, R. Bochner, G. Fainberg, I. Goldberg, K. Sugawara, A. Baniel, D. Tsuruta, C. Luxenburg, N. Adir, O. Duverger, M. Morasso, S. Shalev, R.L. Gallo, N. Shomron, R. Paus and E. Sprecher, Mutations in TSPEAR, Encoding a Regulator of Notch Signaling, Affect Tooth and Hair Follicle Morphogenesis. PLoS Genet, 2016. 12(10): p. e1006369.
Eskin-Schwartz, M.*, Y. Metzger*, A. Peled*, D. Weissglas-Volkov, N. Malchin, A. Gat, D. Vodo, B. Mevorah, N. Shomron, E. Sprecher and O. Sarig, Somatic Mosaicism for a "Lethal" GJB2 Mutation Results in a Patterned Form of Spiny Hyperkeratosis without Eccrine Involvement. Pediatr Dermatol, 2016. 33(3): p. 322-6. * equal contribution
- Eskin-Schwartz, M.*, L. Basel-Vanagaite*, M. David, I. Lagovsky, D. Ben-Amitai, P. Smirin-Yosef, L. Atzmony and E. Hodak, Intra-familial Variation in Clinical Phenotype of CARD14-related Psoriasis. Acta Derm Venereol, 2016. 96(7): p. 885-887.
* equal contribution
Segal, R.*, M. Eskin-Schwartz*, A. Trattner, M. Feinmesser, E. Hodak, A. Ingber and M. David, Recurrent flexural pellagroid dermatitis: an unusual variant of irritant contact dermatitis. Acta Derm Venereol, 2015. 95(1): p. 116-7. * equal contribution
Leshem, Y.A., M. David, E. Hodak, D.A. Waitman, D. Vardy, M. Israeli, M. Eskin-Schwartz, R. Bergman and D. Mimouni, A prospective study on clinical response and cell-mediated immunity of pemphigus patients treated with rituximab. Arch Dermatol Res, 2014. 306(1): p. 67-74.
Rahamimoff, H., B. Elbaz, M. Valitsky, M. Khatib, M. Eskin-Schwartz and D. Elmaz, Immunosuppressive drugs, immunophilins, and functional expression of NCX isoforms. Adv Exp Med Biol, 2013. 961: p. 275-87.
Eskin-Schwartz, M., M. David and D. Mimouni, Mycophenolate mofetil for the management of autoimmune bullous diseases. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am, 2012. 32(2): p. 309-15, vii.
Eskin-Schwartz, M., M. David and D. Mimouni, Mycophenolate mofetil for the management of autoimmune bullous diseases. Dermatol Clin, 2011. 29(4): p. 555-9.
Rahamimoff, H., B. Elbaz, A. Alperovich, C. Kimchi-Sarfaty, M.M. Gottesman, Y. Lichtenstein, M. Eskin-Shwartz and J. Kasir, Cyclosporin A-dependent downregulation of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger expression. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2007. 1099: p. 204-14.