Emek Medical Center is one of the largest and most modern health centers in Israel (649 beds), serving a population of about 700,000 people from cities and towns in northeastern Israel.
Emek Medical Center is affiliated to the Technion Medical School, and many of Emek Medical Center's physicians are also faculty members of Technion medical studies.
In the past year, Emek was ranked third among the largest hospitals in Israel in the Ministry of Health's national quality indices, with a score of 9.98 out of 10. In addition, Emek has been a leader for years in the prevention of acquired infections among all hospitals in Israel.
Emek of the Clalit Group is undergoing accelerated development momentum, expansion of medical services and extensive upgrading of infrastructures at a cost of hundreds of millions of shekels. At the end of the year, the Beit Shulamit Medical Center will inaugurate a modern and comprehensive cancer center, one of the most advanced in Israel and around the world. Beit Shulamit framework will include hospitalization departments for patients with malignant diseases, an innovative radiotherapy institute for radiation therapy, day centers for advanced treatments, a cancer research center, a Well Being Center for integrative treatment and more. Emek operates a well-established system for pediatric oncology and for young people suffering from malignant diseases.
Recently, an inpatient unit for oncology patients was established at Emek Medical Center, which operates in the new and spacious compound of Internal Medicine D, until the opening of the large oncology department in the Beit Shulamit building.
In recent years, Emek has undergone a technological revolution and the most advanced technologies in the world have been acquired, including the da Vinci surgical robot, the most advanced MRI machine and a new PET/CT machine that was recently inaugurated.
In the multidisciplinary building for advanced medicine, the largest rehabilitation system in the north was established, with two floors, including: a hospitalization floor and a floor of rehabilitation day centers for physiotherapy and occupational therapy, as well as a therapeutic pool for the rehabilitation system.
This building also houses the state-of-the-art delivery rooms and maternity and infant wards, and within two and a half years, the NICU will be relocated to this building.
Among the major projects being built at the medical center: a surgical pavilion including 10 operating rooms is expected to be inaugurated in 2024, as well as a wing for pediatric and adult intensive care units that will be populated in about two years.
As part of the expansion of medical services, a neurological department was established at the hospital and recently a chest surgery unit was established, which performs the most advanced surgeries in Israel in the field of lung and thoracic tumors using a surgical robot.
Emek was recognized two years ago by the Ministry of Health as a national center for rare diseases, thanks to an advanced and extensive genetic system, and many years of experience in diagnosing and treating patients with metabolic and genetic diseases.
The cardiology department at Emek is one of the few in Israel that specializes in performing advanced cardiac procedures using catheterization that saves the need for open heart surgery.
Emek is a leader in innovation in medical treatment in many fields, including: orthopedics, mental health, eyes, skin and skin cancer, gastro and medical imaging institutes, laboratory and surgical systems.
In addition, Emek leads the field of gynecology and gynecology in the north, and specializes in IVF treatments and fertility preservation.
The extensive development and pace of development in the medical center are changing the face of the hospital and the reality of medicine and health in the north, for the sake of the health of the regional population.
Board Members
Director of Emek Medical Center: Dr. Maor Maman
Administrative Director: Oz Yair
Director of Nursing: Yehudit Hayat
Deputy Director of Nursing: Ilanit Berkovich
Deputy Director of the Medical Center: Dr. Gil Hirschhorn
Deputy Director of the Medical Center: Dr. Eldar Berkowitz
Deputy Director of the Medical Center: Dr. Efrat Gil
Human Resources Manager: Ordit Mor
CFO: Lior Gila
Spokesperson: Meirav Yahav
Marketing Service Unit Manager: Michal Krill
Assistant Director of Emek Medical Center: Chen Ben Yitzhak