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Saban Birth & Maternity Center

A midwife with a baby

​Divisional Chair: Prof. Eyal Sheiner

This center leads the country in terms of the number of babies delivered each year. In 2021,more than 17,400 new babies were born here.

Thanks to the extraordinary activity at the center, its clinicians are the most experienced and professional in the country.

There is almost no medical event in the realms of delivery and maternity that these dedicated professionals have not handled multiple times.

For example, last year, for the first time in Israel, a rare operation to separate Craniopagus twins conjoined at the head, was performed at Soroka.

The now, two-year-old twins were born at the hospital with their heads conjoined at the back.

Dozens of staff members accompanied the family from before birth until the day of the operation.

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