Medical Units

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Emergency Medicine and Trauma

Pediatric emergency room

The Emergency Pediatrics department provides emergency pediatric services for approximately 180,000 children in the Negev.

  • maternity emergency rooms and birth room
    The staff constantly works to provide professional and quality care and to protect the rights of mother and child. The birth room staff wishes all the mothers a light birth and a pleasant stay to them and their escorts.

  • Gynecology  emergency  room at Saban maternity center
    All emergency cases in the field of gynecology in the Negev , including pregnancies up to 22 weeks, are referred to the Women's  emergency  room. ​Soroka Medical Center carries out more than 30 ,000 surgeries each year.​

ntensive Care departments

  • General intensive care unit on memory of Sami Ofer
    The Department's policy is to treat patients with the best medical and human care. The  staff does its best to support and facilitate the patients and their families.

  • ICCU - Intensive Cardiac Care  unit 
    Hospitalization of patients in urgent cardiac conditions and after medical procedures requiring hospitalization.

  • internal medicine Intensive Care Unit
    The multi-disciplinary staff  treats patients of the internal division that are in severe medical condition

  • Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
    The unit serves the entire population of children in the Negev region.

  • The neonatal intensive care unit
    The staff is attentive 24 hours a day for the needs of the babies and thair families.


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